Youth Day Experience
Spend an entire day with Directors of the Quarter Horse Racing Association of Indiana and horsemen who have the desire to share their passion of Quarter Horse Racing with the future owners, trainers, jockeys and breeders of the Quarter Horse Racing Industry in Indiana. Work side by side with leading trainers in the industry and experience the thrill of the gates opening and watching a horse you just groomed cross the finish line first.
Fast forward a few years and imagine if that horse were actually yours! It doesn’t have to be an impossible dream. Put your plan into action NOW!
Complete the following application and return it by the deadline date, to be considered for the unique opportunity being offered by the Quarter Horse Racing Association of Indiana.
WHO: Students 16-18 Years Old
WHAT: Quarter Horse Youth Day Experience
WHEN: July 13, 2024
WHERE: Horseshoe Indianapolis
HOW: Simply complete the application and return to the address listed on the bottom of the form by June 3.